Tuesday, August 6, 2013

China 1850-1911

We will begin our studies in China in the mid-1800s.  The text, Rhoads Murphy A History of Asia, discusses this area on pages 238-244.

Important Topics to know would include:
Opium War
Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing) (1842)
Unrest in China
Chi-ing (Manchu) Dynasty

The Text kind of jumps around a little, but comes back to China on page 294 to 299.  you should also read some of the links below.

Chinese Rebellions:
   Taiping Rebellion
  Boxer Rebellion

The Fall of the Manchu Dynasty

The Kuomintang


Sun Yat Sen

Three Principles of the People


Link the idea of the Three Principles to the weaknesses of the Chi'ing Dynasty

Here is a video link for you:


HOMEWORK DUE Tuesday 8/20:
Write a paragraph describing the importance of:

1) Three Principles of the People
2) Sun Yat-sen
3) Kuomintang (Guomindang)
4) Yuan Shikai
5) Wuchang Uprising

TEST on the Fall of Qi'ing and Opium War issues on Thursday 8/22

I suggest you prepare an essay that deals with the factors that led to the collapse of the Chi'ing Dynasty.  Keep in mind that details are important, people's names, dates, events could all be mentioned.

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