Thursday, December 12, 2013

Internal Assessment

During the Third Quarter we will be looking at the rise of Hitler AND writing a research paper.   The research paper can be on any topic of your choice, but I will make some suggestions about what might be the best for the IB class.  The paper also has some very specific guidelines to follow, which will be made available to you in January, or you see this website:

Here is a calendar of events, which will be posted in the gradebook too:

IBH History IA Due Dates

January 16: Topic and Question Due (Quiz/HW Grade)
January 23: Bibliography Check (Quiz/HW Grade)
January 27: Part A due (Quiz/HW Grade)
January 31: Draft of Section B due (HW/Quiz Grade)
February 12:Section B Due/Draft of Section D due (Test Grade)
February 20: Section D Due/Draft of Section C due (Test Grade)
February 24: First Draft of full paper due (Two Homework Grades)
February 26: Peer Edit day
February 28 Final Draft due (Obviously Test Grade)
Begin Rise of Hitler Section:

March 17 Test on Rise of Hitler

Here is another website that offers some guidance about the sections and some discussion:

And the Grading Criteria:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Exam

PART I: will be your choice of two questions that deal with the following subject areas:

China: Opium War, Arrival of the West, Fall of the Qing/ManchuDynasty, Chinese Civil War

Japan: Meiji Restoration. Changes that lead up to World War II

PART II:  will be your choice of two essays the deal with the following subject matter

Causes of World War I

The Treaty of Versailles

Part III will be one or two questions dealing with the cartoon on the attached page:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013