Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Exam

PART I: will be your choice of two questions that deal with the following subject areas:

China: Opium War, Arrival of the West, Fall of the Qing/ManchuDynasty, Chinese Civil War

Japan: Meiji Restoration. Changes that lead up to World War II

PART II:  will be your choice of two essays the deal with the following subject matter

Causes of World War I

The Treaty of Versailles

Part III will be one or two questions dealing with the cartoon on the attached page:

1 comment:

  1. Treaty of Versailles Exam:

    Most chose Question 1, the 20 year armistice question: Specific detail were lacking on some exams, What were the provisions of the treaty? The link to how this made Germany angry needed to be more clear. An often overlooked issue was that neither Germany nor Soviet Union were part of the negotiations, which would naturally undermine peace, as they had no voice, the same could be said for League of Nations.
