Thursday, April 10, 2014

Collapse of Communism 1976-1989

Our final topic for the year will be on the Collapse of Communism in China and in Eastern Europe.  This information relates to the document-based questions on paper 1 of the IB exam, so we will also be developing those skills.  We will start with China.  We will briefly look at the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution before jumping up to Mao's death and the aftermath that allowed Deng Xiaoping to come to power.   We will follow the story up until the Tiananmen Square protests.  The we will trace the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe, beginning with the formation of Solidarity in Poland ad moving up until the "Fall of the Berlin Wall".

A History of Asia:  Page 372-379 for Tuesday, April 15.
A History of Asia : Page 379-383 for Thursday, April 17.

After class today, I saw on this article about the Tiananmen Square massacre.

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