Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Practice test markscheme

Prescribed Subject 3 Communism in crisis 1976–89
These questions relate to the defeat of the Gang of Four and the re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping
(Teng Hsiao-p’ing).

9. (a) What, according to Source A, was the significance of the demonstration at
Tiananmen Square? [3 marks]
It was to honour Zhou Enlai, who had died.
It was to protest against the cutting short of his mourning ceremonies.
It was to express opposition to the Gang of Four.
Award [1 mark] for each relevant point up to a maximum of [3 marks].

(b) What message is conveyed by Source C? [2 marks]
The actions of the children suggest that they are carrying out the instructions to defeat
the Gang of Four.
The expressions on the faces of the children suggest that they are determined to rid China of
an evil.
Award [1 mark] for each valid point up to a maximum of [2 marks].
N.B. Do not enter half marks or + and – but compensate between (a) and (b) if necessary for a
final mark out of [5 marks].

10. Compare and contrast the views expressed about the Gang of Four in Sources D
and E. [6 marks]
For comparison:
both suggest that the Gang of Four committed crimes, misdeeds in D and numerous crimes in E
both suggested that the people of China had been harmed by them, their policy of frustrating
modernization harmed the material and cultural life of the people in D, and in E the population
had been brutalised and exhausted
both indicate that Deng was a critic and enemy of the Gang of Four.
For contrast:
Source D goes into details about the Gang of Four’s policy of opposition to the “four
modernizations”, E does not
Source E gives statistics of numbers persecuted and killed by the Gang of Four, D does not
Source E mentions Mao’s support and their arrest and trial, D does not.
If only one source is discussed award a maximum of [2 marks]. If the two sources are discussed
separately award [3 marks] or with excellent linkage [4–5 marks]. For a maximum [6 marks]
expect a detailed running comparison

11. With reference to their origin and purpose, discuss the value and limitations of
Source A and Source B for historians studying the defeat of the Gang of Four and
the re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping. [6 marks]
Source A
Origin: An extract from Modern China by Edwin Moise, published in London in 1994.
Purpose: To analyse the recent history of China.
Value: The book was written in the last decade of the twentieth century, when there was
reasonable access to China, and published in London, thus there would be no
censorship or fear of reprisal for criticising any aspect of Chinese history.
The author should have been free from any influence to make him subjective.
Limitations: The date is almost 20 years after the events in this extract took place, and published a
great distance from them. References would have to be checked to see how the
information was obtained.
Source B
Origin: This is part of a warning by the Mayor of Beijing exhorting the crowd in Tiananmen
Square to disperse. The speech was made on 5 April, 1976.
Purpose: To get the crowd, who were demonstrating in Tiananmen Square, to disperse.
Value: The speech was delivered by a Communist official, and shows that he and the party
feared and distrusted the actions of the crowd. He indicated that the demonstration
was directed against Mao and the Central Committee, and had been orchestrated by
Deng, who was suspected of being an opposition leader. This shows that there was
some opposition to Mao’s government.
Limitations: The mayor may have overestimated the nature of the demonstration in order to
frighten the participants, and used Deng’s name and supposed involvement to
weaken him.
Do not expect all the above and allow other valid points. Ideally there will be a balance between
the two sources, and each one can be marked out of [3 marks], but allow a [4/2 mark] split. If only
one source is assessed, mark out of [4 marks]. For a maximum [6 marks] candidates must refer to
both origin and purpose, and value and limitations

12. Using these sources and your own knowledge, analyse the opposition to the Gang
of Four. [8 marks]
The focus of this question should be how and why the death of Mao led to changes and
modernization through the imprisonment of the Gang of Four, the rise of Deng, and his emphasis
on modernization.
Source material could include:
Source A: Gang of Four’s unpopularity after curtailing mourning ceremonies for Zhou Enlai;
demonstrations in Tiananmen Square; re-educating senior scientists with manual labour,
wasting their expertise; their arrest after Mao’s death.
Source B: Demonstration, with implicit understanding that it was against the Gang of Four.
Source C: The poster shows opposition to the Gang of Four and urges even children to oppose and
attack them. Source C is a propaganda poster, thus it shows that opposition to the Gang
of Four was acceptable/encouraged.
Source D: Gang of Four’s opposition to modernization harmed the economy and people’s lives.
Source E: Arrest of the Gang of Four, denunciation of their crimes, etc. led to “flood” of
propaganda against them; they were said to have been responsible for persecution of
700 000 and death of 35 000.
Own knowledge that could be used:
development of any of the above
their relations with and protection by Mao
Jiang Qing’s position and actions as Mao’s wife
part played by the Cultural Revolution, especially the persecution of artists and intellectuals.
Do not expect all the above and credit other relevant material. If only source material or only own
knowledge is used, the maximum mark that can be obtained is [5 marks]. For a maximum
[8 marks], expect argument, synthesis of source material and own knowledge, as well as references

to the sources used

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